5 Operating Agreement Mistakes that Will Ruin Your Business

5 Operating Agreement Mistakes that Will Ruin Your Business

5 Operating Agreement Mistakes that Will Ruin Your Business The operating agreement sets out the basic structure of your business.  A business is worth more with an operating agreement customized to its circumstances.  The benefits include: Risks are reduced. Legitimacy is increased. There is a clearer idea of what is to occur and how it […]

Crypto / Blockchain Businesses Surrender their Competitive Advantage with Weak Non-Compete Agreements

Crypto / Blockchain Businesses Surrender their Competitive Advantage with Weak Non-Compete Agreements

Crypto / Blockchain Businesses Surrender their Competitive Advantage with Weak Non-Compete Agreements Non-Compete agreements have become commonplace within the Crypto Blockchain ecosystem.  Most of these non-compete agreements are unenforceable.  This is because the companies fail to draft a tailored non-compete agreement using a lawyer with specific expertise.  This article explains what needs to occur. Every […]

Non-Disclosure Agreements – 20 Issues to Think Through Before meeting with your Lawyer

Non-Disclosure Agreements – 20 Issues to Think Through Before meeting with your Lawyer

20 Issues to Think Through Before meeting with your Lawyer regarding an NDA THIS ARTICLE EXPLAINS THE STEPS TO CREATE A NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT THAT ACTUALLY WORKS.  The purpose of having a non-disclosure agreement is for it to protect your business secrets.  The only way to create a persuasive, effective NDA is through a lawyer with […]